2015 Salt Lake Open Water Summer Swim Camp

2015 Salt Lake Open Water Swim Camp

It's here already, the 2015 swim camp this year will be held in northern Utah near Bear Lake.  Three swimming options spanning two days and two nights of camp:   
  1. Logan River 
  2. Tony Grove Lake
  3. Bear Lake
Location of camp:  Low's "cabin", really a riverside estate on lots of land.  Family friendly environment in a private setting.  Here is a map.  Click "Directions" at top left for specific directions from your location to the cabin.

Cost: See bottom of page.  Cost goes to cover the cost of food, that's it.

Please RSVP page using this page.


Thursday, July 23rd
5 pm Camp setup
7 pm Evening swim in Logan river (approximately 58°) and kids "endure the cold contest".
9 pm - Games 

Friday, July 24th

7am - 9am - at your convenience breakfast (Pancakes, sausage, eggs, OJ)

10am leave for Tony Grove (15 miles from camp)
11am - 2pm How many times can you swim around the small Tony Grove lake?  Expected water temp: @62 degrees

12 - 2pm: Lunch (Hoagies, chips and various beverages)

4pm: 5 mile family friendly hike up Right Hand Fork Canyon. (Map) Easy hike only 600 ft elevation climb.  Fishing in Logan River for those who are pooped from the morning swimming trip.

7pm: Dinner (Hot dogs, Hamburgers, chips, vegetable salad and S'mores)

9pm: Movie night outside on the big screen.  PG rating movie for the kids.

10pm: For the really adventurous, night swimming (or floating in a tube anchored to the brid) in the Logan River.

Saturday, July 25th

Option A: For those wanting a long swim, we will be leaving at midnight for a width, or double width of bear lake.  If you're up for a width crossing, great!  You can switch off with another swimmer who also wants to swim just one width, but a couple swimmers will plan on a double: Chad and Sarah.


Option B: 7am-9am: Cold Cereal bar, toast, and fresh fruit assortment

9am cleanup and prepare for day trip to Bear Lake.  Pack a lunch for the afternoon (Hoagies, chips and various beverages)

10am: Leave for Bear Lake.

11am till whenever you want to leave for home:
Swimming at Bear Lake!

Bring your sunscreen, kids activities, PFD's, Kayaks,  Cisco Beach is probably the best place for swimming without a huge number of boats.  All swimmers must be in a party of at least three and preferably with a kayak and/or with safe swimmer devices.

Some may opt to participate in the club distance swimming activity.  A triangle swim from Cisco beach heading towards North Beach for 1 mile, then 1 mile towards Rendezvous beach, then 1 mile back to Cisco beach. This activity will include accompaniment by at least 2 kayaks.    Stay as long as you want, and head back home.  Drive safe!

Please RSVP here (please provide your planned arrival date/time) so we can plan for how much food to provide.  This is a camp, so you will need to bring your traditional outdoor camping gear.  There are indoor restroom facilities.  While the cabin will be open to everyone for various activities, the bedrooms will not be available.  There are too many people and too much work to cleanup if we open it up for sleeping inside overnight.

Please pay in advance so we can purchase the food and plan the menu to match the number of campers!

Swim Camp Prices per family


This event is an at your own risk activity.  No supplemental insurance is being purchased to cover any accidents that might occur while participating in this activity.  You are responsible for your own safety and by participating in this activity in any way, you assume this risk.  Salt Lake Open Water club, or its leadership will not be held liable for any incidents, damages that might occur, even if deemed negligent.  You assume your own responsibility much the same way you would if you were swimming/camping alone or in a group that is not officially organized.