Monday, July 27, 2015

Salt Lake Open Water Summer Swim Camp was a success!

This year's summer swim camp (held every year over the 24th of July weekend), was held in Cache County, Utah.

We stayed at Gridley's cabin up Logan Canyon on Thursday night.  The kids enjoyed a noodle war folloed by a polar bear plunge in a shallow stream that empties into Logan River.  The water temp was 55°F!  One minute in the water for three mini candy bars and a dip in the hot tub afterwards.

Lauren has this under control.

Evie and Lexi earning their candy bars while Clair considers it.

Oliver would rather "plank", but slowly bends those elbows for a full immersion.

Isaac Gridley shows the girls how it's done.

Lucy Gridley does her dip in the river.

The future of Salt Lake Open Water.

On Friday morning we all went to Tony Grove Lake, located 15 miles from the cabin towards Bear Lake.  This is a small lake about 70% the size of Bountiful Lake, but much cleaner and with beautiful mountain cliffs and surrounded by pine trees.

The group of SLOW members: Lisa Gentile, Sarah Jones, Chad Starks and Gordon Gridley all preparing for a big swim on Saturday decided for a short 3/4 mile swim around the perimeter of the lake.  There was a lot of underwater plants.  The kids enjoyed paddling all over the lake with the three kayaks that we brought along.

On Friday evening we enjoyed visiting and had a barbecue of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and the kids played night games.
Caleb with Sarah

Chad and CJ

Most of the Jones' are having fun.

Sarah and Lisa discuss their swim plans for Bear Lake tomorrow.

CJ enjoys the rope swing.

New buddies, CJ and Oliver.

Chad's kids: Emma, CJ and Max.
Caleb with Mom and Dad

Chandra and Chad enjoying a quite moment on the patio.

Watching the kids run around 

Chad and Emma and Max

Everyone ready for S'mores?

Evie and Dad, Steve enjoying the campfire with Clair's blanket.

Sam declares the night games have begun!
Saturday at 0020, swimmers Gordon, Chad, Sarah and Lisa along with supporters, Chandra, Sophie and Max left the cabin for Cisco Beach.  We unloaded the boat and got prepared.  Swim started at 0220.

Gords piloted the boat during the night crossing since Chandra had never piloted the boat before.  The night swim was a little wavy and the crew endured seasickness and lack of sleep, but was able to keep all three swimmers safe and relatively close together.

Once we got about 4 miles into the swim Chandra took over and learned the ropes of navigation and piloting.  Gordon was able to get about 45 minutes or so of sleep and overcome a headache and nausea.  The sun came out and by the time the first width was completed Gordon was greased up and ready to go for the return leg.

The return leg was calm and not much of a breeze.  The sun was out in full force and it was good that we were all layered with sunscreen.

About a mile before the finish Chandra was able to contact the land crew of all the kids and they were all waiting for us at the finish.

What a view of the sunrise!

Max chills while the swimmers swim.
Gords and Chad finish up at Cisco Beach.

Lisa and Sarah swim in to the beach with the kids glad to see Mom, but apparently more interested in rocks.

Sarah and Lisa share a victory together.

Lisa, Sarah, Gords and Chad all glad its over.

Lauren and Claire enjoying the beach!

That's what I call a good sized support at the finish!

Sarah and Lisa zonked out while the kids had lunch.

Cute Clair
So a double width swam by Sarah and Lisa in approximately 8:31

While Chad came in about 10 minutes later at 8:41:58.  Gords swam the one width in 4:07:50.

What a fantastic time we all had!  Hope to have a bigger party next year.